About the Foundation

Dr. TMA Pai
Dr. T. M. A. Pai Foundation, a Konkani Linguistic Minority Trust, was established in 1981 to perpetuate the memory of (Padmashree) Dr. T. M. A. Pai, physician, educationist, banker, philanthropist,an outstanding Konkani, one of the greatest visionaries and the Founder of the internationally famous Manipal Educational Institutions. The Trust was established with an objective to support and promote the advancement of educational activities and promote the Konkani Language and the culture of Konkani speaking people.

Best Konkani Book Award 2023

To recognise the contribution made to Konkani Language and Literature, the Best Konkani Book Award was instituted in the year 1985. The Award carries 25,000/- in cash and a citation. We have so far awarded 36 Best Konkani Book Awards.

Entries are now invited from writers and publishers of books in Konkani for Dr. T. M.A. Pai Best Konkani Book Award 2023. The book may be in Devanagari, Kannada, Malayalam or Roman script and should have been published between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2022. Last date for receipt of entries is 31st October, 2024.

Four copies of the book should be sent to:

The President,
Dr. T. M. A. Pai Foundation,
Syndicate House,
Manipal – 576 104
Phone: (0820) 2922335
Email: drtmapaifoundation@rediffmail.com